Scheme Location Definition

Scheme Location Details are defined through the HighStone Location Details pop-up panel.  This is the same Location Details panel as used for Incidents logged in the Database and is used to hold prime location details.

Works Orders raised under specific Schemes inherit the Location Details from their parent Scheme, therefore the details should be entered as soon as possible - ideally when the Scheme Record is first entered.

The definition includes the following elements:

  • Route Road Number - This may be a prime Route or Road Number on the network.  HighStone also accepts the following alternatives:

    • Non Network - Works are not on the Network core routes

    • Network - Works apply to the entire Network (all Routes)

    • Unknown (Default) - No Location details known

  • Carriageway Direction - Defines the Carriageways affected:

    • North / South / East / West

    • Clockwise / Anticlockwise

    • Both carriageways

    • Unspecified (Default)

  • Specific Chart Section Reference.  This defines a specific point on the Network using the definitions:

    • Carriageway / Slip - Sets the class of carriageway (used in the prompt)

    • Section Reference - the Chart section reference (this may be prompted for)

    • Chainage Distance - Distance in metres along the Chart section

    • Cross Section - Defines the Cross-sectional position on the carriageway.

  • Grid Reference.  Defines a single grid Reference as the Location detail.  These references may be entered in a number of formats, HighStone will resolve other formats automatically as valuesw are entered:

    • Three digit entries including the two character prefix - this is accurate to 100m.  E.g. SU 123 678.

    • Five digit entries including the two character prefix - this is accurate to 1 m.  E.g. SU 12345 67890.

    • Full National Grid Reference - this is accurate to 1 m and excludes any character prefix.  Easting and Northing are defined across the whole UK.  E.g. 412345 167890

Many Schemes will not be targeted at a single point on a Network Road, in which case the entry made will be held as the key location definition - and used as a GIS Location for export and other applications.