Applying Filters

Each Object Log List panel offers a number of pre-defined filters that filter and order the target data records in to the most useful standard display styles.  However there are instances where a more specific filter is required to extract details under some combination of custom criteria.  Each panel includes a filter selection that is titled ALLOW FILTERS and it is these entries that allow the User to define their own custom selection filters.   The following is an example of filters applied to the Incident Log.


Select List All Incidents (ALLOW FILTERS, Desc Paged) from the drop down box in the top right of the panel and click Go.


This action will activate the Filter... command button at the bottom right of the Grid Panel.  Click on the Filter... button.


The Report / Display Filter panel will be displayed.  This panel will list all the data parameters that may be referenced in Select and Sort actions on the current List Log.   A full list of all fields for each List Log is available - Filter Fields by List Log.


Select the Data Parameter that you want to filter on by clicking on the relevant row and click Set Select.  This will open up the following Parameter Select Definition window.


There are various options displayed to define what information is retrieved for this field. Only Select Criteria that are relevant to the field being filtered will be available.  Ones that are not available will be greyed out.


When searching for matching text values the character case is ignored - upper and lower case characters will always match a specified selection.  Some database systems use the characters % and _ in place of the * and ? characters more usually associated with text pattern matching.  The User may specify in either form as HighStone will automatically convert the entered characters if this is required. 

Filters can be created based on several fields to narrow the results as required.  For a record to be included in a returned selection list then all defined conditions on the definition must be true. 


The command buttons to the right of the panel can be used to manage the entries:


The returned records can be sorted into a required specified order.  Click Define Sort to make the necessary selections.


Select from the drop-down parameter lists to define the required sorting priority; the first level, second level sorting etc.  It is often useful to return records in a Descending order - thereby ensuring the most recent entries are listed at the start of the display.  When the specification is complete Click Apply to save the definition and return to the selection definition panel. 


Once all required Select and Sort criteria have been defined, Click Apply to close the prompt panel and display the results on the grid panel, as below.


The panel shows the selection and sorting criteria applied in the header area of the panel.  If no data records appear then no records meet the filter criteria specified; if necessary return to the filter definition by clicking on the Filter... button to revise the selection.



Extended Filter Functionality