HighLight Application


The HighLight Application has been designed as a highly flexible / configurable, 'Mobile' extension to HighStone that can be applied to on-site data collection, cyclic maintenance, incident response and asset assessment.  These could either be driven routes, (network safety patrols to identify defects, lamp scout surveys) or walked routes, detailed asset surveys.

The simplest implementation is to take existing paper based form entry that is undertaken by on-site staff, e.g. Incident Response Staff and convert these forms to individual electronic format within HighLight. As such, users will select and open each form on the target device in much the same way as taking a new blank paper form out of a folder.

HighLight puts much more emphasis on prompt lists during data collation and entry than is usual in screen data panels. As the target application is designed to be used in the field on devices that do not have a standard qwerty keyboard, every effort is made to reduce the level of 'typing' that the user has to undertake whilst completing data forms. Although this process puts much more emphasis on the initial design and configuration of the installation it makes the actual use of the application in the filed very much easier and quicker.

Two prompt mechanisms are used to create the required form definition:

Prompt items may be configured to collect 'Quantity' values against any prompt item, typically used for 'Materials Used' collation. As above, individual data entries may be set to accept just one entry from the prompt definition (e.g. a Location point), or take multiple selections from one, two or more branches within the definition (e.g. Action Taken, Materials Used, etc.). Again, an 'Other…' selection may be specified when HighLight will prompt for a custom Text Entry using the keypad control.

HighLight only stores data entries against items where the user has recorded a specific entry. If it is required that the user is must make and confirm an entry and where that entry may be 'None', then a specific entry in the prompt list should be included.

Database Connection and Login

HighLight requires a Mini-HighStone database to be installed on the target device.  This database holds details of all prompt lists, contract specific data such as location details, lists of staff names and, of course, the data values collated and entered by users as they use the Application. This database holds details of all prompt lists, contract specific data such as location details, lists of staff names and, of course, the data values collated and entered by users as they use the Application.

The data values under each category fall under three classifications:

The Form Designs are defined in XML file definitions that are held on the target device as part of the Application. These definitions will be changed on each Device whenever the form style / content is adjusted to meet changed requirements, or to improve accessibility and use.

All HighStone Mobile Applications (HighLight / HighField) are designed to operate with one, or two and more individual database files transferred to the device.

In the first instance the User will be given a choice as to which database file to use before any core data entry can be logged.  HighStone mobile applications will automatically prompt for the selection when it finds two or more database files present on the device. HighStone mobile applications will automatically prompt for the selection when it finds two or more database files present on the device. 

As with the main HighStone application, each mobile application uses a single and uniform database login account with which to access the database tables and data. Individual User account details are NOT used as part of the fundamental database connection.

In order to establish just who the User is, the mobile application will prompt the User to enter their name (or initials). Generally this is done when the target local database is first selected and opened.

In the case of Shift Sessions and login accounts, the crew members can be established as part of the initial login.



HighLight on Tablet Devices

Staff and ISU Shift Login

Daily Activity Log

HighLight Safety Patrol / Defects Survey

HighLight Lamp Inspection Survey