Requisition Configuration

System Administration Information 

User Class Access Permissions

The User Class Access Permissions can be defined by a HighStone Administrator user by clicking on the padlock key to the top left of the Requisitions Panel.  This prompts for the Approvals levels:

User Class Approval Check

The Approval process is supported by the use of System SQL _SQL_REQ_AUTH_SIGNOFF_CHECK (Id 252).  This query should return a record if the check is OK.  The following is a standard SQL:

SELECT StaffReqAuthId FROM tblStaffReqAuthorities WHERE (SRAStaffId = <REQSTAFFID>) AND (SRAReqClassId = <REQCLASSID>) AND ((SRAAllDepots = <TRUE>) OR (SRAAllDepots = <REQDEPOTID>)) AND (SRAActive = <TRUE>);

User Entry Control

The following Operational Configuration is supported.  These options are controlled through [tbsSettings] table: Group [System] control for entry RequisitionEntryActions. The entry is a bitwise number based on the following settings.  The Default is Zero (following NOT set).

Email of Requisition Form

Auto Email Requisition on Approved (with copy of Requisition PDF attached) - is controlled through [tbsSettings] table: Group [System] control for entries:

Configuration Tables