HighStone Technical Reference

The section of the HighStone Help System contains details on the internal configuration, application build details and coding standards that are used in the highStone Application Environment.  The notes are aimed at Client System Administrators and Software Developers that work on the system.

The following details are given under the various Section Headings:

HighStone Configuration

Details on the Client and System Configuration that is used to configure the HighStone Application to a specific Client Environment.  Many of these aspects can be set by the Client System Administrator and this Section contains a wealth of detail on all aspects of HighStone Configuration Facilities.

HighStone Build and Installation

Details on the HighStone Versions, related Application Program Files, and required Supporting Component Libraries and Utilities.  Build Configurations are listed so that the environment that is used to create each HighStone Module can be ascertained.

A further heading under this Section gives details on how HighStone should be installed on Client Systems.

HighStone Development Notes

This section is aimed at Software Developers who work in the underlying HighStone Coding Environment.  The Section is divided into three broad areas:



Build and Installation Details

System Design Definitions

Development Notes

Configuration Definitions