Opening the Requisitions Panel

The Requisitions panel may be opened from a number of locations in HighStone:

  • From the Requisition Object list panel.  This can be found in the HighStone Menus at:

Contract Works Orders\

    Materials Requisition List Log

Selecting the Detail command button, or double click on a target grid row to open the target Requisition Item record.

  • From a Works Order detailed display, using the WO Requisitions command button on the Works Order Cost tab.

  • From the HighStone Menus, selecting the item:       

Contract Works Orders\

    Works Order Materials Requisition Panel

If Retrospective Requisitions are enabled on the system, this item will be included on the HighStone Menus.  The facility may also be selected from the Works Order panel WO Requisition command button, or opening the details of any record on the Materials Requisition List Log.

The Requisition panel operates in two modes:

  • Single Record Display - the panel is used to display the detail of only one Requisition record, either in Edit or Add New mode.

  • Open Record Display - the panel includes controls to allow the selection of required Requisition records, by specific request or Next / Previous actions.  An Add New mode is also supported.