Retrospective Requisitions Panel

Where this facility is available the display of Retrospective Requisitions uses the same display, but with a red banner across the top of the panel.  This facility may not be available on all HighStone installations.

The display operates in the same manner as for standard Requisition records, with the exception of:

  • New Requisitions are numbered under a different series, for example:

    • 100000 on for Retrospective Requisitions

    • 200000 on for Standard Requisitions

  • New records are automatically dated with the current date / time (Date Raised).  If required, this date may be changed by clicking in the cell surrounding the displayed Date Raised entry.  A popup prompt will be shown where any required Date may be entered.

  • Retrospective Requisitions are managed with just two steps - Submitted (completed), and Requisitioned (checked).  Intermediate Authorisation steps are not supported.

  • A Retrospective Requisition requires a valid Works Order, and Activity.  The date if the record is checked against the allowed Purchase Ledger Dates on the Works Orders, using:

    • The Date reference used is the Date Raised entry (not the current date)

    • In case of a violation of Dates, a warning message only is given (this may be overridden).

  • The Retrospective requisition record is not email to the Commercial Team for actual Requisition Processing.

    • All other Cost Processing and Analysis follows the same steps as standard Requisition Records.