Requisition Approvals

Once a Requisition has been Saved the Approvals Process may be applied.  This is applied by checking the relevant check box entry - HighStone will complete the Signatory and Date/Time fields automatically.

HighStone allows any Approval to be cancelled (reversed) provided a subsequent Approval has not been applied.

Users will require the necessary Access Permissions to be set before HighStone will allow the action to be applied. Further guidance to set Staff Requisition Approvals is provided under Application Administration.

The steps are defined as:

  • Submitted - must be applied before Authorisation Approval is activated;

  • Requisition Picked Up - for use by the Commercial Team to indicate the Order has been picked up and is being processed and researched, prior to Approval being sought;

  • Requisition Priced - check this entry when all entries on the Requisition have been Priced.  The Requisition is then released for Approval;

  • Authorised - formal signing off of the Requisition by the appropriate Manager;

  • Order Placed - for use by the Commercial Team to indicate the Order has been placed with the Supplier.  The Contract Purchase Order Number should be specified in the adjacent field before the Order Placed item is checked.

The following validation is applied by HighStone during the Requisition Process:

  • When the Requisition is flagged as Req Priced HighStone checks that the Total Requisition Value is within the allowable Order Value Limit associated with the selected Requisition Class.  This classification is then used to establish the list of Staff Managers who are authorised to Approve the Requisition.

  • When the Requisition is Authorised HighStone checks that the current User Account has the necessary Approval Level to sign off the Requisition record.

Users defined with Requisition Access Permission are allowed to edit the Requisition Record, including the Item Price, Item Requisitioned cells, and the Purchase Ledger Order Number / Requisition Number fields.  HighStone will also prompt to check all Item Requisitioned cells if not already done when the record is Requisitioned.

Other Users will find the Requisition Record locked against field changes once the Requisition Picked Up has been checked.

Emailing of the Requisition Request

HighStone may be configured to Email a copy of the Requisition to the Commercial Team when the Requisition is Approved.  The following points apply:

  • HighStone may be configured to automatically issue an Email, prompt the User as to whether an Email should be issued or not, or not issue any Email.

  • HighStone will automatically generate and attach a current version of the Requisition PDF Print file.

  • The Email Subject will include the Requisition Number, Contract Point of Contact, and the name of the Requestor.

  • If a Requisition is issued by Email for a second time for any reason, the Email Subject will show 'REISSUE' in the text.

The Requisition Caption text will be included in the Email body text.