Customer Details

As further Action Records are entered on the system, HighStone always maintains a link to a Customer Record for each additional record saved - generally subsequent records link back to the same Customer Record.

This facility allows two or more different Customer Records to be linked back to the same Incident Record is required.

The HighStone Database is much more efficient, and more consistent Reporting can be achieved, if Users do link new Event Records back to existing Customer Records where they exist.  A Search facility is provided to aid this process.

The Customer Details are straight-forward and easily completed by the User.

The New Record command button is enabled indicating that this is a new Customer record that is being entered against the new Event Action.

To recall an existing Customer Record, specify relevant search text in the fields on the Search Customers sub-panel, and then click Search.  If a single match is found then the selected record is loaded in to the adjacent fields.  If two or more Records are found matching the criteria then a selection prompt is given.

The Search criteria take the usual pattern match entry of '*' , so Smith* is a valid search, as is *hood* to search within words / phrases.

If an existing Customer record is recalled, then this record is marked as Read Only unless specifically opened for change by clicking on the Edit Record command button.  Users should remember that in this case, they are editing an existing data record that is most likely referenced from other Event Records - hence any changes committed here will also be shown against other entries using the same Customer record.