Incidents Auxiliary Actions System Configuration

System Administration Information

Data Tables Used by HighStone to drive the Auxiliary Actions sections of the Incidents Details are:

  • Data Table - tblIncidentAuxId

    • The index to the table is IncidentAuxId which is equal to the IncidentId for the parent Incident Record.  There is only one record per Incident.

    • Eight generic Cost Value fields are provided [IAuxCost1 / 8].  HighStone automatically totals these into IAuxCostTotal.

    • Four additional generic Cost Item fields are provided - [IAuxCostItem1 / 4].  These are not currently used.

    • Eight generic Boolean Status Fields are provided [IAuxStatusCheck1 / 8].

    • Four generic Integer Option Fields are provided [IAuxIValue1 / 4].  These are linked to the use of Combo Prompt Items.

    • Other data fields are included.

  • Data Table - tblIncidentAuxAction

    • This table holds the recorded Action records.

    • The Notes entries are held in the Long Text data table - tblLongTextGUID.  Reference links to this table are made through the GUID value fields.

  • Lookup Table - ltbIncidAuxAction

    • This table lists the allowed Actions that are given on the grid pull-down prompt.

    • The value in field IncidAuxKeyAction on each record link to the key reports providing the KPI Reporting, and Progress Reporting.

The Incident Actions Auxiliary Panel is somewhat generic in design and the following configuration is used by HighStone:

  • System SQL 9015 - Count 1 - This definition sets the Captions for the Checkbox Status Values on the panel.  Defined as a semi-colon separated list of Captions, up to 8 allowed.

  • System SQL 9015 - Count 2 - This definition sets the Captions for the Cost Values on the panel.  Defined as a semi-colon separated list of Captions, up to 8 allowed.

  • System SQL 9015 - Count 3 - This definition sets the Captions for the Combo Box Option Values on the panel.  Defined as a semi-colon separated list of Captions, up to 4 allowed.

  • System SQL 9015 - Count 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 - These definitions set the relevant Option Integer Value / Option Caption pairs for each of the four potential Combo Box Option Values.  The definition may be given as:

    • A list of Identifier, Caption pairs on separate lines (Note: Comma Separated items)

    • A valid SQL Statement

    • #NNNNNN entry where NNNNNN is a numeric value identifying a HighStone internal Object (The SQL for the option prompt is coded internally in HighStone).

  • System SQL 9016 - Count 1 to n - These SQL Scripts define the calculation of the KPI Values.  A single SQL Script is used for each Value, with the SQL Caption Field being used as the KPI Caption.  Items are processed in Count order; numbers need not be sequential.  Each SQL may take the following keywords:


    • <FINISHDATE> - This is rounded to 23:59:59

    • <TRUE> and <FALSE>

In the above definition there is no need to include the Combo Box entries within Lookup Tables in the host Database.  However, such tables will be needed if any SQL Based Reporting is needed across these data fields.  Similarly, the System Object List Filters Definition Panel may need to access each list of options through a Lookup Data Table.

Access and control of the Incident Auxiliary Actions Panel can be controlled through User Class Permissions.  Such Permissions are not yet implemented.