Source Excel File Format

This must match the Definition as given below.

Definition based on sample Excel file provided (Whitebirk).

Source fields are:


Works Order No

Works Activity - Rogue field

Labour First Name

Labour Surname

Absence Status

Start Time (as Decimal)

Finish Time (as Decimal) - May roll over midnight


Standby (D / N)

Plant Registration

Hours on Works Order

Note that the 'Depot' is NOT on the worksheet - this must be on the page tab name.

Additionally, Shift Times entered as numeric values, 10.0, 11.30, 19.45 will be read as equivalent times 10:00, 11:30, 19:45 etc.  Either format may be given.

The 'Breaks' column is read as decimal hours (0.5 is read as 30 minutes).

Standby is read as just Yes / No (Yes if the cell is not blank).

Attendance status should match the definitions for Staff Columns in the main Allocation Sheet display panels.