Printing a Weekly Timesheet

Timesheets can be produced in  a printed version - by using the Print Timesheet command button.  This offers two styles:

Classic Style – Lists one row for each Project / Works Stage / Activity, with total hours recorded for each day of the week in seven columns.  A classic spreadsheet style of display.  However, any Notes recorded against allocations are not included.

List Report – Lists a single line for each allocation – and does include any Notes entries.

All Timesheet Reports are produced in PDF format and written to your personal HighStone User Folder.  A default filename will be allocated and the following prompt panel can be used to specify an alternative target name:

Once a Timesheet has been created in PDF format it can be recalled in printed format without the need re-create the format file again (note that a PDF Timesheet file is not automatically deleted or re-created in timesheet allocations are subsequently revised).  Saved files can be found under your HighStone documents folder My HighStone Documents (under the application top Menu Branch) and can be viewed / printed from there: