Allocate Costs to Activity Codes

All Works Orders should have a classified 'Activity' code and these automatically cast the Costs against the relevant Priced Activity. 

The Hide Allocated Items tick box will limit the records to those that require manual classification, further subdivision can be by applied using the Cost Item Type buttons.

Multiple rows can be selected by using the Shift or Crl keys to highlight the rows required; Select the necessary Action, in this case 'Allocate to Activity' and Select Activity. Here Staff Time is allocated to 'Supervision' Activities 0050.

Click Apply to post the records (The selected classifications can be amended as required, de-select Hide Allocated Records to view all)

Build SPS Price vs Cost Summary

Once all items have been Allocated to the Activities, the SPS Price vs Cost Display can be created.


Select View SPS Price/Cost Assessment in the Actions menu to display the below, this lists the Price and the Costs within each Activity:

The above steps can be repeated until satisfied that all Activities have been assigned to the correct codes.

Close the above SPS Price/Cost Assessment Panel and return to the Scheme Cost Allocations, highlight the allocations to re-assign to different codes and click Apply.


Once complete, the SPS Price vs Cost Display must be rebuilt before viewing.