Annual Budgets for Routine Works

Budgets for routine works are compiled on an Annual Basis and defined against the relevant Master Scheme definition record.  Typically these activities cover a range of routine maintenance and repair activities and are defined under a fixed scheme number range (e.g. 100000 to 190000).

The Master Schemes Definition panel includes a series of tabs, including Definition Details and Annual Budgets.

Access to these tabs and allowed edit actions on the controls is determined by standard HighStone User Class Access control.

Not all Master Schemes records relate to annual budgeted activities, those records that need to be enabled for this control require the Annual Budget for Routine Works check item to be ticked.



The Annual Budgets tab will initially show a blank grid giving a grid matrix of twelve monthly rows and columns for each of the prime Cost Analysis headings.

The controls on this tab are:

Budget Year - This pull down lists Financial Year references for any defined annual budgets for the current record, and also includes an option to create a New Annual Budget…

Month Column - Twelve months are listed starting with the first month in the financial year (this may be April, January or a different month depending on the contract configuration).

Cost Analysis Columns - The number of columns displayed and captions shown will depend on the contract configuration.  Up to 16 different cost analysis columns may be shown.

Annual Total Row - The top row is used to shown the total annual budget values for each of the Cost Analysis columns.

Annual %age Row - The second row shows the percentage of the annual budget for each Cost Analysis when compared to the Total Annual Budget for the record.

Total Column - This column shows the total value of all Cost Analysis columns on each of the header or monthly rows down the grid display.

Month %age Column - The right-most column shows the percentage of the annual budget that is allocated to each row (Month) when compared to the Total Annual Budget for the record.

Month / Cost Heading Cells - Each cell on the central portion of the grid shows the budget cost falling in each calendar month within the financial year.



Create a New Annual Budget

Monthly Posting of Costs Against Budget Profiles

Costs vs Budget Profile Reports