Monthly Posting of Costs Against Budget Profiles

The monthly task of calculating the Monthly Costs for all budgeted profiles is given on the Contract Application display panel and it is recommended that this task is included in the regular monthly process of creating Application Details, and the posting of incurred costs to the Scheme Forecasting functions.  A new command button Update Budget Forecasts is included on the panel.


When this option is selected HighStone will prompt with options to process details for just the current month, or for a range of months within the current financial year.

It should be noted that Budget Forecast for routine works are always calculated against the month in which the costs were incurred - that is, the date of allocation of the cost element.  This is different to Client Invoicing and Application Calculation where costs are always allocated to the next available invoicing month / period after the costs have been approved.  For this reason it may be necessary to re-calculate cost postings for earlier months as late entered cost allocations may need to be recast against earlier months.

If a single period only is being processed, HighStone prompts for confirmation on the target month to be taken listing month entries that are available within the current selected financial year.

If a range of monthly periods are to be processed HighStone will offer a second prompt seeking selection of the end month period.

HighStone gives a confirmation prompt after the cost postings have been completed.  The user may wish to enter a Note or comment on the actions completed using the Add a Note command button on the main Contract Application panel.

All Cost Posting against Budget Profiles are undertaken through the execution of a series of database SQL statements.  These SQL scripts may be adjusted to give any required cost processing to handle defined source records, rates and uplifts to be applied, and any breakdown of costs in to activity classifications within each cost budget profile.  These SQL scripts are defined under the System SQL Series constant definition SYS_ACTION_POST_BUDGET_PROFILES (equivalent to SQL Series 1010000).