Requisition System Folder

HighStone maintains a discrete Requisition Folder for each requisition Record.  This folder may be used to:

  • Hold a copy of the Requisition Record PDF file

  • Hold copies of any supporting Requisition Documents (quotes, working notes etc).

If such working documents are saved in this folder then the Commercial Team and other Users can refer to the documents as required.  This avoids the need to pass paper copies of such documents between the Contract Teams.

Icon command buttons are included on the panel to:

  Open the current Requisition System Folder    Icon shows a red tag if the target folder already holds one or more Files);

  Copy an External File to the current Requisition System Folder.

The Requisition System Folder can also be accessed through the Actions pull-down menu to the bottom left of the Requisitions Panel.


  HighStone also offers the facility to Scan Documents to the current Requisition Folder using an attached compatible Twain Scanner. Click on the Scan To Folder icon command button to open the Scan Document Prompt Panel.