Stock Materials - Classification Tab

General Classification and Details

Materials Group - Each Materials record is classified under the main Materials Group.  The setting for the current record is shown in the panel at the header of the display.

Item Section Class - Specify the Section Classification within the Materials Group using the pull-down selection.

If you wish to create a New Section Class entry for the current Materials Group press the F6 function key from within the pull-down control.  HighStone will prompt for the new Section Class Tag and Description - complete the entries to create the new entry in the database.

Item Unit - This pull-down selection can be used to specify the Units Type that is valid for the Materials record.  Where an item is handled as a basic Unit Quantity specify the option 'No' (for 'Number').

This pull-down accepts any valid text entry - not just the text entries given on the pull-down list.  Hence an entry '25 kg Tub' can be made.

The default list of 'Units' entries may be defined for the HighStone installation using the system setting [tbsSettings] 'StockMatsUnitsList' - A prompt list of entries separated by semi-colon characters.  The system applies a default setting if no specific entry is given.

Item Discontinued - Check the control to mark a Materials record as Discontinued.