Enter Stock Movements

Before any Stock Movements can be entered the Current Depot must be specified in the pull-down panel at the top of the Stock Materials Definition display panel.

Click on the Enter Stock Movement command button to add a new Stock Movements record.


HighStone prompts for the required Stock Movement action:

The options are:

The following prompt panel completes the entry with Stock Quantity, Date (/ Time) and any additional Comment.  When relevant the Target Depot will also be prompted for.

HighStone defaults the Date of Action to a time of '00:00:00' for the entered Date (this is equivalent to 12:00 a.m. at the start of the day).  This is the same Syntax as that used for Materials Allocations to Works Orders.  This is usually adequate as the Date of Usage is all that is required.  Care may be needed when entries relating to Stock Balance are made (Stock Takes).  In this case the Date / Time of the entry is applied strictly in determining those Materials moved to/from the Stores before or after the Stock Level is set.