Stock Materials - Unit Cost Tab

This panel holds details on the Unit Cost of the Materials items over time.  A valid Unit Cost record must be defined before a Materials Item may be Allocated to a Works Order.

Materials Unit Costs are applied at the specified Unit Cost from the Date shown on the record entry.  Unit Costs should be applied in a timely manner as Unit Costs are cast against Works Order Allocations at the time each Allocation is first entered. Changes to Unit Costs are NOT applied retrospectively to Works Order Allocations.

Use the Add New Unit Cost command button to enter a new Unit Cost record.  The first panel prompts for the Date from which the new Unit Cost is applied:

A second prompt is given for the Unit Rate to Apply.  This may be entered as a direct Cost Rate, or entered as Total Cost and Quantity calculation such as '= 850.00 / 4'.

When accepted the new Rate Record will be shown on the grid display.  It is possible to revised the Unit Cost Rates directly on the grid display (though the Period Start date cannot be altered).  Note the earlier comment that changes to Unit Costs are NOT applied retrospectively to Works Order Allocations.