Source Data Files

The source data must be submitted in an Excel file in an appropriate format - data entries down the columns must be consistent and valid.  HighStone includes the facility to adjust the source format (column layout) if required, however the format of the source values must be consistent.

The target Excel file should placed in the nominated folder on the system - typically the HighStone Home Folder \ External Timesheets.

The required column layout within the Excel is detailed in a later section, the following are also requirements:

  • The Import Facility runs from only the first WorkSheet in the Excel WorkBook.

  • The WorkSheet should be 'named' to the name of the Network Depot to which it applies - as defined and used in the main HighStone Database [in table tblSFDepots].

  • Column Titles may be used in the Excel file, these will be skipped by the Import Facility.