Adding Timesheet Allocations

To add a New Allocation click on the New Allocation command button.

Each Allocation is entered by completing the following three levels of coding:

If the Project Number pull-down is empty, click on the All Projects option under Prompt List Options.  This will populate the pull-down list; by default HighStone will restore the last selection here when the Timesheet Allocation panel is opened again.

Set the required selection for Project Number, Works Stage, Activity.

Some Project Codes require the specification of a specific Works Order Number before the allocation will be accepted – typically for all Network Engineering activities.  If this is the case then the Prompt for WO command button will be active.

To specify a Works Order, click on the command button and either enter the required number directly, or select from a prompt list.



To specify the actual Hours against the allocation click on the relevant Day option button, and then enter the hours in the adjacent text box.  Hours should be record to the nearest quarter hour.   Enter a value of three-quarters of an hour as 0.75.

As an alternative the button pad may be used to enter a value for Hours, and part hours, into the current hours text box.  The other buttons perform the following sections:

The panel will accept Hour entries across any number of Days in the week.  Thus a full week logged as On Leave may be entered on a single panel (and entered by pressing All Day pulled by Mon – Fri).

The Notes text box may be used to record a short note on the activities undertaken (up to 128 characters).  This field may be mandatory for some Project Classifications and hence will be required.  HighStone will not accept trivial entries in this field when an entry is required/made – so always enter something meaningful.  Any Note entered will be applied to each of the Daily Allocations entered on the panel (if separate Notes are required for different Allocations then individual entries will have to be made).

To accept the entry when all is complete, click on the OK command button – this will accept and close the panel.  If preferred, use OK / Next to save the entry but leave the panel open for another entry.

HighStone will apply validation to all entries made on the panel (the exact level of validation will depend on the application configuration).  The following rules are typical:

The Prompt List Option section is used to target the selection of Project Numbers on the first coding pull-down.  Included in this are facilities to:

As Allocations are added to the system they will be listed in the Weekly Timesheet Display

The command buttons for Delete and Edit allow existing entries to be adjusted / removed as required.

Repeat the allocation steps until the Timesheet is complete for the week.  Once the Timesheet is complete and correct, click on the Submit Timesheet command button to accept it and pass it on for approval by your line manager.  Timesheets cannot be Approved by a Manager until this is done.  Once submitted, Timesheet allocations cannot be changed or added to.  It is possible to reverse a submission (click on the command button again to ‘un-submit’ the Timesheet) to make any corrections.  However, this step will not be possible once the Timesheet has been approved by the line manager.

The current status of the Timesheet is shown in the header section of the panel.