Gully Maintenance Status Report

The Gully Maintenance Status Report uses the Gully Maintenance Activities to report on the last Maintenance Activities, and predict the level of Debris that is likely to have accumulated in the Gullies.  This prediction is based on past records, and gives the date at which a Gully is likely to reach an 85% level.

These predicted dates are compared to the Minimum Inspection Interval (say annual) and the report identifies the next appropriate action.  The report is displayed in a standard Grid Display Panel, and the results may be printed / exported to file for further analysis.

The report may be accessed from the HighStone menus:

RMMS Works Orders, Surveys, Defects\

    Network Surveys Maintenance\

        Gully Maintenance Status Report

Alternatively the report may be called from the Network Survey Details panel - where it is listed under the Actions menu.  In this instance the report is prepared for all Network Sections listed in the current Network Survey.

If the report is called from the HighStone Menus, a prompt is given to specify the range of Network Sections that are to be included.  Use the checkbox selections to specify the required range.

There is no 'Entire Network' option for the report.

The Report includes ALL Drainage Items relevant to the report - there is no Left Edge / Right Edge filter.  The Asset Items types are defined - but this may be adjusted by referring to the configuration scripts for this report (see Configuration Details).

The report is displayed in the General Data Grid panel, and the results saved from here as required.

The following steps make up the calculation

The Asset Minimum Inspection Interval is defined in the HighStone Configuration definitions - the default is 12 months (365 days).

The Prediction calculation assumes that valid and (reasonably) accurate records are maintained.  The following specific points should be considered: