Record Asset Survey Activities

This panel is a combined grid listing all relevant Asset Items, and a data entry panel for recording details of the cyclic maintenance activity.

The list of Asset Items is given for the current selected Network Section as indicated in the main grid above.  If more than one Network Section is selected, then Asset Items across all selected Network Sections are listed.

The list of Asset Items may be filtered to a given type by using pull down selection Asset Filter.  This is useful for cyclic maintenance records, as the list can be targeted at relevant asset types, for instance Gullies.

Details of Cyclic Activities can be entered against the relevant Asset Item using the sub-panel to the right.  Specify the details as:

For surveys like Gully Cleaning, where the status (level of debris in each Gully before emptying) varies between each Asset Item the option for Current Item should be applied.

To save the record entry click on the Save Maintenance Records command button.  This will save one (or more) records to the database as appropriate.  HighStone will display a (transient) confirmation prompt after each save action.  If the save Range Items mode is set to Current Item then HighStone will automatically move down to the next Asset Item on the grid display to the left - ready for the next entry.

Entered Cyclic Activities will be included in the grid display on the Recorded Defects / Activities panel as they are saved.

It is possible to access the Asset Item Details panel from the Asset List.  Double click on the grid row required, or double click on the grid panel if no Asset Items are listed.  HighStone will offer two / three options as appropriate: