Survey Worksheet Schedule

Creating the Worksheet Schedule

For Drainage Gully activities, select the Action item Print Gully List Worksheet (to PDF) and click the Go command button.  HighStone will prompt for the style of the requested report:

Make the relevant selections (the selection applies to All Network Sections listed in the Survey Definition).  The report is produced in PDF format and the usual HighStone prompt for reports is given.  The report may be saved in the relevant Survey Object folder, or your My HighStone Folder, and printed either now or at a later date.

The Task Worksheet is formatted to A4 (landscape) and is intended to be a checklist for use in the field.  The report includes:

Completing the Survey Worksheet - Gully Records

A sample Worksheet may be viewed on this link.

The following steps should be taken when completing the record sheet:


Gully Survey Worksheet Sample