Start of Shift Check In

At the start of a shift a Driver Check and Defect Report is completed by the vehicle driver. These checks are completed in two stages, daily records and those entries recorded over the weekly period (sdf file).

The vehicle is checked for defects on a daily basis, ISU Start of Shift Check which includes a check to ensure key equipment is present and a weekly check, ISU Weekly Contents Check, completed to ensure the vehicle holds a selection of regularly used Stock Materials and Tools.

The daily check must be completed prior to carrying out ISU duties and so a (Part Complete) indicates the form is incomplete.

The weekly Contents Form is maintained throughout the week and is carried across all shifts.


 Both elements of vehicle defects and either the ISU or ERCV be fully completed and signed. Two signatures are required to remove the (Part Complete) tag. 


Daily Vehicle Check 

To begin, select the Start of Shift Check In from the main HighLight Panel. The form will be displayed with the relevant shift login details, with the Start Mileage and the Driver's Name to be completed as appropriate.

The vehicle check consists as a series of Condition Inspection prompts, requiring a Red / Amber / Green (RAG) selection. 

A critical or Warning selection supports a further prompt list to specify the details of the fault, supporting a text entry should further details be required.


Daily Equipment Check 

Select the vehicle type of vehicle (ISU / ERCV) from the menu prompt to complete the Key Equipment checks. Notes of any missing equipment can be entered following the checklist.


Weekly Check of Tools and Materials 

A weekly checklist of all Tools and Materials is maintained throughout the week, allowing the form to be processed throughout the week and on check in is displayed as (Part Complete) until all sections have been reviewed. Three signatures against Disposable Materials, TM Equipment and Tools.

Replacement contents may be selected from the standard Materials Prompt Options for standard supplies, with a text entry box to record non-standard supplies.