Network Chart Section Definitions

Chart Section Definitions 

The Network Road is divided into a series of Chart Sections or section Lengths.  These definitions form the basis for holding Network Assets, recording Surveys on the Network, management of Defects and Routine Maintenance.

Chart Section definitions conform to the (traditional) structure adopted within the United Kingdom.  HighStone does build and extend on this definition to support additional functions.  The following definition is applied:




Section Definition

A separate Chart Section is defined for each element of the Network Road - thus the Main Carriageway, and Slips / Roundabouts are considered as separate entities.  Dual Carriageway and Motorway definitions define separate Chart Sections for each direction.   Two way carriageways are created as a single Chart Section.

Chart Sections are typically limited to a maximum length of 10km.

Network Area

Each Section is defined within a Network Area code (often linked to former County Boundaries).  This code is a four digit reference: 2300, 2400 etc.

Road Number

The target Road or Route Number makes up the next part of the reference.  For example M6, A1, A1M.

Link Reference

A single digit classification between 0 and 9 that divides each Route within an Area in to a number of more manageable groups.

Section Number

A numeric reference between 00 and 99 identifying the specific Network Section.

Section Reference

HighStone applies the above syntax strictly in the style 4200-M60-1-32.  This is adopted to simplify usage, searching and sorting facilities.

Other Applications apply the syntax in a different style - 4200M60/132.  This style is provided where it is needed to provide links with other Applications - however it is not the HighStone preferred format for the following reasons:

Combining the Link / Section in to a single entity (as the external format does) pulls in potentially 999 Sections for each Area / Route which is a lot to handle.

No prefix padding is applied to the Link / Section number which renders direct sorting of the reference invalid.

The '/' character cannot be used in File and Folder names on the host Operating System.  Whereas the HighStone Format can be used directly.


Network Section Definition Panel

Chart Section Assets

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