Chilkat Component Library

Basic Details

Product Name

Chilkat .Net Components

Product Description

A range of communication based facilities combined in to a single library for .NET, C++ and ActiveX.  The facilities from the library that are applied to HighStone include Email (POP3 / SMTP), FTP, ZIP and a useful HTML to Standard Text conversion tool.  Different Versions support .NET 1.0 / 1.1 Framework, .NET 2.0 / 3.5 Framework, .NET 4.0 Framework with the last two being offered in both 32 bit and 64 bit versions.


Chilkat Software

Supplier Website

Elements in HighStone

POP3 / SMTP - Email Support

FTP Support

Zip Compression

Development License

License required for each Developer

Same-product new-version upgrades at no additional charge (no time limit)

Run Time License

Royalty-free distribution of run-time libraries

Usage Policy

Full Chilkat Bundle option purchased.  

HighStone Application must be compiled to match the target release version of the library.

UK Distributor

Not applicable

Development Component Price (Approx)

Initial: $289.  Annual support option: $349 (2010)

First Year of Use


Updates on System

2011 - HighStone upgraded to use the .Net 2 version of the library.  HighStone now uses functions from this version that are not available in earlier releases. 

User Installation

XCOPY Install Supported

Component Files

ChilkatDotNet.dll  (Single library file for all facilities)

ChilkatDoNet2.dll  (Single library file for all facilities)

Usage Profile

Library File

HighStone Module




Used to support Email Send and Receive.

Email Send may be used from individual HighStone installations.

Email Receive (and bulk Email Send) usually only on Server Installed copies of HighStone .



Used to support FTP Transfer.  Usually applied only on Server Installed copies of HighStone where a regular FTP transfer of files (Get and Put) is required.



Used to support the Zip Compression of files prior to attachment to emails.  Note that this is the preferred Zip component for use in core HighStone modules.

Usage Notes