Doc-To-Help Authoring Application

Basic Details

Product Name

Doc-To-Help Enterprise

Product Description

Doc-To-Help is an authoring application that Claremont Controls uses to create the HighStone Help facility.  Doc-To-Help supports a number of document source formats - including Word, HTML or a custom supplied XHTML Editor - and builds an integrated Help System in a range of output formats - including NetHelp, HTML Help, PDF, Winhelp, JavaHelp.  HighStone Help has adopted the Doc-To-Help Enterprise version using the internal editor for drafting the help text, and publishes the final Help facility as a Web Help application using HTML and Javascript.  The HighStone Help facility can be installed on a Client's intranet, and is also published on Claremont Controls own website.


Component One

Supplier Website

Elements in HighStone


Development License

Application license required for each Author working on HighStone Help

Run Time License

No end-user distributable elements

Usage Policy

Doc-To-Help Licenses Purchased for each Help Documentation Author.  

Doc-To-Help Licenses renewed on an annual basis.

UK Distributor

QBS Software

Development Component Price (Approx)

Initial: £573.   Annual Renewal / Support: £285  (2010)

First Year of Use


User Installation

Not Applicable

Component Files


Usage Notes