DotTWAIN Scanning Component Library

Basic Details

Product Name

.NET TWAIN Scanning SDK for Scanner Capture

Product Description

The DotTwain library is a .NET based facility used for capturing digital images from scanners, cameras and other TWAIN devices.  HighStone uses the library for providing a scanning capability for saving Documents alongside other HighStone Object Records.  The element used in HighStone is a small part of a much larger development toolkit.


Atalasoft Inc

Supplier Website

Elements in HighStone

TWAIN Scanning capability

Development License

License required for each Developer

Run Time License

Royalty-free distribution of run-time libraries to end-user systems.

Component CANNOT be installed / run from server installations.

Usage Policy

Development Product License purchased.

UK Distributor

Not Applicable

Development Component Price (Approx)

Developer License: $525 (2010)

First Year of Use


User Installation

XCOPY Install Supported

Component Files



Usage Profile

Library File

HighStone Module


TWAIN Scanning


Used to provide document scanning and save to file facility.

Usage Notes