Sentinel HASP Component Library

Basic Details

Product Name

Sentinel HASP HL Pro

Product Description

Sentinel HASP provides a hardware based protection system that is based on programmable USB keys.  Although HASP Keys are not necessarily used by HighStone to control all User use of the Application, HASP Key Recognition is included within the core HighStone functions.  This facility can be used to provide quick and controlled User Login accounts - and secure encryption of sensitive data files.


SafeNet Inc (formerly Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd)

Supplier Website

Elements in HighStone

HASP Key Recognition and Encryption

Development License

SDK available to Developers at no charge

Run Time License

Royalty-free distribution of run-time libraries

Usage Policy

HASP Functionality is maintained within HighStone.  

HighStone Application must be compiled to match the target release version of the library.

UK Distributor

SafeNet UK

Development Component Price (Approx)

Development Kit: Free Download. 

Charge is made for provision of HASP HL Pro Keys

First Year of Use


User Installation

XCOPY Install Supported

Component Files


Usage Profile

Library File

HighStone Module




Individual HASP Keys can be programmed with User details to provide automatic login when a key is fitted to the system USB port.

Administration Control to program individual HASP Keys is provided within HighStone.

HASP Keys can be used to provide secure encryption / decryption of sensitive data files.

Usage Notes