Studio Enterprise Component Library

Basic Details

Product Name

Studio Enterprise

Product Description

A comprehensive range of components from ComponentOne including grids, reporting, charting, scheduling, data manipulation and user interfaces - with only some of the full range being used in HighStone.   In addition to the .NET environment the library includes support for other platforms including mobile devices, ASP.NET and other environments.   The FlexGrid Grid Control forms the cornerstone of HighStone displays and is used for all Data Grid displays in the applications.    Printed Reports are also supported through use of a Reporting Control - run in conjunction with a PDF Control.


ComponentOne LLC

Supplier Website

Elements in HighStone

FlexGrid Grid Control

Report Component

PDF Component

ZIP File Compression

Input Box Control (for Signature facility on tablets)

Development License

License required for each Developer

Initial License Purchase with 12 month Support Period

Annual Renewal with 12 month Support Period for Library Updates

Run Time License

Royalty-free distribution of run-time libraries

Usage Policy

Product License is renewed annually.  Revised versions of the library are issued to users only at key milestones of HighStone's development program.   HighStone Application must be compiled to match the target release version of the library.

UK Distributor

QBS Software Ltd

Development Component Price (Approx)

Initial: £782.  Annual Renewal: £390 (2010)

First Year of Use

2005 - .NET 1.1 Versions in Builds

Upgrade of Versions

2010 - .NET 2 Versions in Builds (Same Version for .NET 2 and .NET 3.5)

This version of files show a '.2.dll' style suffix in the naming

User Installation

XCOPY Install Supported

Component Files

See Usage Profile for details

Usage Profile

Library File

HighStone Module


C1.Win.C1FlexGrid (.dll / .2.dll)



Used extensively in HighStone as the prime Data Grid Control.  HighStone will load and run if the required library files are missing, but will fail with a Fatal Error as soon as pretty much any Object Panel is loaded.

Correct installation of this library is essential for HighStone.


Used as the prime Data Grid Control.  Usage started at the .NET 2 level of the control.


The CE (Compact Edition) of this component is used in the HighField Hand Held application running on Windows Mobile.

C1.Win.C1Report (.dll / .2.dll)


Used in HighStone when a formatted data report is required - paged over A4 / A3 paper size.  HighStone will fail with a Fatal Error if a report is requested and the required library files are missing.

Correct installation of this library is essential for HighStone.

C1.C1Pdf (.dll / .2.dll)


Used in HighStone in conjunction with C1Report to create the PDF formatted Data Report.  HighStone will fail with a Fatal Error if a report is requested and the required library files are missing.

The PDF facility is also combined with the TWAIN Scanning capability - using the component to place scanned images in a PDF output file.

Correct installation of this library is essential for HighStone.

C1.C1Zip (.dll / .2.dll)


The component is used exclusively in the HighStone Upgrade utility - to extract application files from distributed Zip files.

HighStone will check and install the component files on a User's system prior to running the HighStone Upgrade utility.

Use is reserved for this module to ensure there is no conflict with other key components (and locking of files)  when an automatic application upgrade is being processed.

Chilkat Zip is the preferred Zip component for use in core HighStone modules.

Correct installation of this library is essential for the module.

C1.Common (.dll)

HighStone, HighStoneUpgrade

This is a supporting library file for all C1 components and must be installed correctly where any of the other of the components are used.

C1.Win.C1List (.dll)

Not Used

This component offers an extended List Box Control.  Although used initially in HighStone the benefits were minimal and usage was discontinued in preference to the standard List Box / Checked List Box Controls.

C1.Win.C1Input (.2.dll)


This control is used in HighLight to support the Signature facility in the application.  The control is not used in the main HighStone application.