Overview of DCP Recovery Actions Panel

The Incident Auxiliary Actions Panel provides additional data value panels to supplement the Incidents Detail panel in HighStone.  The design of the panel is open and HighStone allows the display values to be supplemented / customised to meet specific requirements.

This panel is configured to provide data logging of Damage to Crown Property (Green Claims) Recovery Actions.

The display panel opens as a Pop-Up panel, and this may be called directly from an existing Incident Details record, or opened directly from the HighStone Menus.  Direct access is give to the supporting data records through an Actions Menu on the panel:

  • The parent Incident record

  • Details on Vehicles / Drivers logged against the Incident

  • Works Orders raised to handle the Incident

HighStone also provides a KPI Reporting facility to collate details and values associated with records progressed within defined date ranges / reporting periods.

Opening the DCP Recovery Actions Panel

DCP Recovery KPI Report

Incidents Auxiliary Actions System Configuration (System Administration Information)

Access to the DCP Recovery Actions panel is controlled through User Permission Classes.