Related Actions Options

The Actions pull-down control to the bottom left of the panel may be used to view the following facilities:

View Incident Details… - For the current Incident. [Not offered if the Incident Details panel is already open on the system]

Print Incident Details to PDF - Accesses the Incident Full Details Report in PDF Format.

View Incident Works Order Details… - For Works Orders associated with the Incident - HighStone prompts between the Temporary Repair / Permanent Repair Works Order as appropriate.  [Not offered if the Works Order Details panel is already open on the system]

View Involved Vehicles… - Opens the pop-up panel to display / edit Vehicle and Driver details for those involved in the Incident.

View Incident Location Details… - Opens the pop-up panel to display / edit Location details for the current Incident.

Review Incident Folder… - Opens the pop-up panel for the current Incident Record Folder.

Import File(s) to Incident Folder… - Opens the pop-up panel to allow external files to be copied in to the current Incident Record Folder.

Search for Incident Record… - Prompts for the new Incident record to be viewed on the current panel.