Required Usage of Status Values

The following notes apply to the use of the Status Value Checkbox entries:

DCP Claim Raised

Check this item to indicate a Claim Record has been raised - this field is not set automatically.  When set, HighStone will flag the existence of a DCP Record on the main Incident Details panel (at the next data refresh if already open).

Additionally - a DCP Claim Raised Action must be entered on the Actions and Notes grid [HighStone uses the Date associated with this entry in the KPI Reporting]

Culprit Identified

Check this item as required.  [HighStone uses this setting in the KPI Reporting]

TR430 Sent

Check this item as required.

Additionally - a TR 430 Sent to HA Action must be entered on the Actions and Notes grid [HighStone uses the Date associated with this entry in the KPI Reporting]

Invoice Raised

Check this item as required.

Additionally - a Invoice Issued Action must be entered on the Actions and Notes grid [HighStone uses the Date and Value associated with this entry in the KPI Reporting]

Final Payment Received

Check this item as required.  When set it indicates that the record is effectively closed or completed

Additionally - a Cheque ReceivedAction must be entered on the Actions and Notes grid [HighStone uses the Date and Value associated with this entry in the KPI Reporting]

Claim Cancelled

Check this item if required to mark the record as closed or abandoned.    [HighStone uses this setting in the KPI Reporting]