Wheel Change Authorisation (BDV)

When a Broken Down Vehicle (BDV) is found to be causing an obstruction and cannot be towed to safety, it may be necessary or requested that aid is given to assist the vehicle driver to change the defective tyre using tools, equipment and spare wheel provided by the driver to enable the vehicle to be moved to safety. 

Under these circumstances ISU operatives in attendance must seek authorisation to proceed from the insured driver, thus indemnifying the Contractor / Operator from liability or responsibility for any damage present to the bodywork or vehicle.

Complete the Vehicle details as necessary.

To record any vehicle damage select Vehicle Damage Markup to open vehicle schematics.


The display panel allows selection of the type of vehicle to display, varying vehicle schematics. Select as appropriate from the menu.

All vehicle sides require either a damage record or a mark 'X' etc, placed in the top left corner to indicate the vehicle has No Damage. To begin the examination of the vehicle select the appropriate command button and either indicate the location of the damage.


Or indicate no damage was observed.


As each view of the vehicle is completed the command buttons are highlighted blue.


Details of the nature of the damage may be recorded under Additional Comments on the Wheel Authorisation prompt prior to obtaining the driver signature.