Software Development

Claremont Controls are recognised to work alongside their clients to ensure that the software works effectively to meet client objectives and fits well within their business processes and enhances working conditions.
Claremont Controls works closely with clients to meet their business needs in the most cost effective manner. The use of HighStone allows us to operate a policy of ‘open development’, whereby all clients of the system benefit from the ideas, innovations and the widening functionality of the application over time.
Our ‘open development’ policy is well received and clients recognise the benefits of progressive innovation, as well as the opportunity for sharing new ideas.
We have found this to be generally well accepted with our clients as they benefit from new ideas from other disciplines of business and industry, and can also make their ideas more widely available to others.
If a specific topic area is highly specialised, and the client requires it to be held under a limited distribution, Claremont Controls considers the case carefully and will assess and discuss how best the element should be published prior to implementation. However, restricted distributed functions are more expensive to develop and maintain.
Software Configuration
Since the first designs for HighStone, the concept of providing a core application that encompasses high levels of functionality combined with adaptability to meet the diverse needs of individual clients, has been paramount. Claremont Controls draws on many years of experience in developing and distributing a packaged software application for project planning and we have carried these techniques forward.
Enhancements to the HighStone software are considered in relation to how they might be applied to meet the needs of all clients, both existing and new. We are always looking to develop ideas used to tackle one topic area and research how they may be applied to benefit all our clients.
Our applications require a significant level of configuration and setup when they are first introduced. Most installations include geographic and asset data and these must be assembled and uploaded into the supporting contract database.
Commercial activities revolve around ‘cost coding’ definitions and while HighStone provides a standard template for these, it is often beneficial to extend the coding to meet specific client needs. User accounts are defined with names, department classifications, permissions levels, email addresses and other contact details.
Much of the configuration and operational options of HighStone are held within the supporting contract database, which enables specific requirements to be met directly, without the need to return to core HighStone internal software coding, and helps to keep costs to a minimum.