Claremont Controls Ltd

Claremont Controls Branding Refresh

Corporate rebranding can be subtle or can be striking. At Claremont Controls we tend to favour the less dramatic approach. To coincide with the publication of our new website presence we have opted to update our domain name across both www and email by dropping the ‘-‘ separator.

Since our very first representation on the internet our domain name has been ‘’ – being adopted at a time when the inclusion of a hyphen was considered a helpful guide to visitors.   This convention is no longer considered to be the norm and so we have taken the opportunity to change this to simply ‘’ for the 2012 launch of our new website.

We reassure you that nothing else in our branding has changed. We still use our iconic five sail windmill logo which has represented us for over thirty years now.  And we still proudly host under the domain suffix. The individual personal name prefixes before the ‘@’ in emails are also unchanged. The old ‘’ domain is still around in the background and we will quietly forward all your emails and web queries to the new address automatically – so there is no need to update your address books immediately.

Our new web site explains the ongoing software development and implementation of our HighStone application – used for works management on major asset maintenance contracts. Within the site we have included space for the inclusion of both introduction and technical level information on HighStone, and we will be expanding the site over the coming months to provide a valuable knowledge base on HighStone to support our clients.

We welcome all visitors to our new internet home.

Posted in General News.